Our Mission

Our mission, as a spiritual family, is to help each other grow in faith, love, and grace; and help others know God's love as well. Let us help you find your place in God's story.


Life isn't meant to be lived alone. Let us help you ‘find your place in God's story’


We're a family that continually strive to grow deeper in our relationship with God and one another.


We strive to imitate Jesus in our daily lives and in our unconditional love for one another.

Our Beliefs

Our church family is built on the foundation of the Churches of Christ. We believe in adhereing soley to the Bible. Though we fellowship frequently with our sister churches, we are an autonomous congregation. See below for our beliefs in the process of salvation. 

Loving God. Loving People.

Our Family Groups

Our congregation is comprised of family groups that fellowship throughout the Central Coast.

North County

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Central & Campus

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South County

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Want to worship with us?

Please check out our Calendar for more detail.
We look forward to meeting you!